

Itchy Balls: Poor Hygiene or Something Medical?

Are your testicles itchy? It might not be an immediate concern, but it can be a signal of something worse or you simply need a change of underwear.

This problem isn’t rare, where regular everyday tasks can cause quite the ruckus under the belt. It’s a concern that can always be shrugged off, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

However, the fact remains that it can be a symptom of possible sexually-transmitted infections and other complications.

Let’s explore the possible causes of why your balls are itchy.

Poor hygiene

Sweat can lead to itchiness, especially if you’re doing physical tasks such as jogging, running, and other manual labor jobs. Not changing your underwear (especially when sweaty) can cause quite the itch.

Practicing better hygiene by taking a bath every day and changing underwear regularly can decrease the chances of having itchy balls this way.

If the itching continues, this may become another concern. Check with your doctor and take note of other symptoms that may occur.


Chafing occurs when an area of the skin is in prolonged friction or rubbing, usually during extended physical activities such as running, cycling, or even walking.

It causes quite an irritation in the affected area. It can also exhibit redness and a raw feeling on the skin. In the worst cases, it can cause light cuts with minor bleeding.

This condition can easily be treated by applying lotion or baby powder on the affected area. For the places with cuts, using bandages is fine to cover the wounds to prevent other infections or irritations.

Allergic reaction or irritation (Contact Dermatitis)

Your itchy testicles may just be an allergic reaction that you don’t know you have or might have overlooked. Your new body wash, lotion, or other substances might be the cause. It may also be your new clothes and underwear.

Try to check the materials or ingredients of these new substances or find alternative clothing as a replacement. If it still insists, you might want to check with your doctor.

Jock Itch

One of the most common reasons why your balls are itchy. Jock itch is caused by a fungus that thrives in moist places such as genitals, inner thighs, buttocks, and creases of the buttocks.

Jock itch can be treated by using over-the-counter antifungal creams. However, if it persists after using an at-home treatment like this, consult your doctor.


This condition is one of the common fungal infections that can happen in the genital area. It is caused by the “candida fungi”, a kind of fungi that lives on the body and the intestines.

When this fungus goes out of control, candidiasis can make the genitals itchy. For women, it can also cause “yeast infection”, so it’s quite the itch for the balls if men contract this.

It’s best to see a doctor or a medical professional for this condition to get the right treatment for you.

Pubic lice or crabs

Pubic lice (commonly known as crabs) is a grayish kind of lice that lives on the pubic area, genitals and other coarse hair around the body.

They can be transmitted sexually or coming in contact with someone or something that has crabs in it, like towels and underwear.

Its treatment can be done by over-the-counter lice removal kits or prescriptions from the doctor. You may still need to cut your pubes and comb the dead lice after and ask your partner to do the same just to be sure.

Genital Warts

Genital warts are a kind of sexually transmitted disease that is often related to human papillomavirus (HPV). They are usually seen in the scrotum or the inner thighs.

These warts may cause itch. It can also be small and can easily go unnoticed, even if it’s already causing an outbreak.

They may be treated using medicated ointment, so have it checked with your doctor to get a prescription.


Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted infection that can cause your testicles to grow swollen and itchy. It can also be spread on the mouth, throat, rectum, and the genital area.

Other symptoms of this infection include pain or burning sensation while urinating, discolored discharge from the penis, and pain in the testicles (especially if it’s one at a time).

Prescription medications can easily treat gonorrhea. However, it should be treated early to avoid permanent damage such as infertility.


Chlamydia is also a sexually transmitted infection that can be spread through unprotected sex. It is also caused by a bacterial infection.

It can also make the testicles swollen and itchy, as well as make you feel pain while urinating, discolored discharge from the penis, and bleeding or discharge from the anus/rectum.

This infection can be treated with proper medication. Check with your doctor to see what medicine suits you. One downside of this treatment will require you to not have sex for at least a week.


Trichomoniasis or trich is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacteria called “trichomonas vaginalis”. Although usually for women, this infection can be spread through unprotected sex.

It can cause inflammation and irritation on the part that got infected. It also causes itchiness inside the penis, discolored discharge, and pain while urinating or ejaculating.

With some medication, this infection can be treated. Check with your doctor to see what kind of medicine is appropriate for you. You’ll also be needing to abstain from sex for at least a week.


Herpes is another common sexually-transmitted disease that can spread through unprotected sex or physical contact to the skin.

It can make the testicles and penis extremely itchy. It can also make you feel sick or exhausted, burning sensation when urinating, and form blisters on the genitals.

Treating herpes will require you to take antiviral medications that can be prescribed by your doctor. Even if it’s treated, it may require long-term medication if outbreaks happen frequently.


Scabies is an infection caused by microscopic mites called “Sarcoptes scabiei”. It can be acquired through physical skin contact with an infected person.

It can cause rash and itch, not only in the genitals but also on the parts that are infected by the mites. These mites are also active at night, so those who are infected may experience intense itchiness in the infected area.

Doctors may prescribe an ointment, cream, or lotion that can help fight against these mites.


Practicing better hygiene will help reduce itchiness in the balls, especially for those men who are exposed to doing physical activities and manual labor for an extended amount of time, like athletes and bodybuilders.

It is also a good thing to know about your sexual health. Keep tabs on when and who you get intimate with and immediately check with your doctor if you suspect that something is out of the ordinary.





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