

What’s a Refractory Period?

Refractory period is a person’s recovery time after an orgasm. During this period, sexual stimulation will have little to no effect and won’t result in any erections, orgasms or ejaculations.

In terms of sexual response cycle, this is part of the resolution phase, where the body usually relaxes its muscles, heart rate, breathing, and the blood pressure goes down.

For men, this period is pretty observable. It is longer and it usually comes after every ejaculation. Men won’t be able to maintain an erection or even try to have another ejaculation without resting for a few minutes.

However, women also experience a refractory period, though it’s very different from men since they can continue even after multiple orgasms. They still may lose interest in sexual activities for a while.

How long is a refractory period?

There is no definite length on how long a refractory period is on average. It usually changes depending on the body of a person.

Women may have mere seconds of recovery since they can usually get orgasms multiple times in a row.

However, it gets complicated for men. It widely varies from minutes, to hours, to days or even longer before they can get sexual arousal again. This can depend on the age, where younger men can go again in a few minutes while older men may take 12-24 hours or longer.

Can the refractory period’s duration be reduced?

There are a few things that men can do to reduce the length of refractory periods. This can be done by improving arousal, sexual function, and overall health.

To improve arousal, you might want to:

  • Change the schedule of your sexual activity – make it more often or make it less, depending on your current sexual activity. It can give you a different refractory period.
  • Learn new positions – new positions can spell new sensations and arousal.
  • Experiment or find new erogenous zones – stimulating your current erogenous zones can lead to more sexual pleasure.
  • Role-play or find each other’s kinks – try doing some role-playing or set a scene where the both of you can use each other’s kinks to get aroused.

For sexual function improvements:

  • Do some pelvic floor exercises – pelvic floor exercises or Kegel exercises can help you gain more control over your ejaculation.
  • Reduce or avoid drinking alcohol before sex – alcohol can mess with your sexual arousal. Reducing it or not drinking before sex can help.
  • Manage erectile dysfunction – if you are experiencing ED, you might want to consult with your doctor on erectile dysfunction medications. These medications may help reduce the refractory period.

Boost your overall health by:

  • Doing some exercises – stay active by doing workouts or exercises to keep your blood pressure and cholesterol down.
  • Have a healthy diet – you are what you eat, so eating healthy can be beneficial to every aspect of your body, including your sexual capacity.




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