

What is Testicular Torsion?

There are many different kinds of afflictions that can impact a man’s reproductive system and sexual health. Some are well-known, like erectile dysfunction or sexually transmitted infections, while others are less talked about but are equally serious. One such condition is testicular torsion. 

Despite being relatively uncommon, testicular torsion is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Let’s delve into what exactly testicular torsion is, how it happens, and what steps to take if it occurs.

What is it?

Testicular torsion is a condition where the spermatic cord (which provides blood flow to the testicle,) becomes twisted, cutting off the blood supply to the testicle. This twist can occur suddenly, leading to a rapid onset of symptoms. When blood flow is disrupted, the affected testicle may not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, potentially leading to tissue damage and loss of the testicle if not treated promptly. 

Image taken from Mayo Clinic

Testicular torsion is most common in young men, but it can happen to males of any age. It’s crucial to recognize the signs and symptoms of testicular torsion and seek medical attention immediately if suspected.

How does it happen?

The spermatic cord’s twisting motion can happen spontaneously or may be triggered by physical activity, trauma, or even during sleep. Certain anatomical factors, such as the bell clapper deformity, (where the testicle lacks the usual attachment to the scrotum,) can increase the risk of torsion. 

Activities that involve sudden, vigorous movements, like sports or heavy lifting, can also predispose someone to testicular torsion. It’s important to note that torsion can occur anytime and without warning.

What are its symptoms?

The most obvious symptoms of testicular torsion are sudden and severe testicular pain, often accompanied by swelling. Besides these, there are other things to be wary of:

  • Fever
  • Frequent urination
  • Nausea and vomiting

Men experiencing these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention as testicular torsion is considered a medical emergency.

How is it treated?

The main treatment for testicular torsion is surgery, typically performed as soon as possible after diagnosis.

In some cases, if surgery is not immediately available or if the torsion is partial, the doctor may attempt manual detorsion. This involves gently rotating the testicle back into its normal position by hand. While this can temporarily relieve symptoms, surgery is still required to secure the testicle and prevent recurrence.

Testicular torsion is a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention. While it may be rare, it’s crucial to be aware of the symptoms and risk factors associated with it. If you or someone you know experiences sudden and severe testicular pain, swelling, or other concerning symptoms, don’t hesitate to seek medical help immediately. 

Remember, early intervention is key to preserving testicular health and preventing potential complications. Stay informed, stay proactive, and take care of your reproductive health. That’s how you can #DoItRight!


  • Mayo Clinic Staff. (2022, February 24). Testicular Torsion. Mayo Clinic.
  • Mathews, R. (2023, August 17). Testicular Torsion Treatment & Management. Manual Detorsion, Surgical Detorsion.
  • Banner Image from Freepik
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