

Things that should stay away from your vagina

Let’s chat about vaginas—they’re amazing but a tad sensitive. The key? Keep it healthy for a happy vagina.They can be a bit fussy, and they don’t like certain things. Picture their world like a tropical rainforest—it needs some TLC. To make your vajayjay in good spirits, follow some do’s and don’ts. Give it some air, avoid excess moisture, and rinse daily with warm water.

Above all, keep this golden rule in mind: Don’t put anything in or around it that doesn’t belong. Here’s a list of things to avoid putting inside a vagina:


Avoid using douches—they’re not needed and can be risky. They mess up the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina, leading to infections. Stick to washing your vulva (the outer part of your genitals) with soap and water in the shower, but don’t put soap inside. If you notice something unusual, see a doctor. Your vagina is smart and can clean itself, so no extra help is necessary.


Avoid using any type of oil as a lubricant or medication down there. This includes household oils like almond, coconut, or olive oil, as well as baby oil. These oils were not made to be used for the genitals, so it can be too harsh and may cause chemical burns or pH imbalances in the sensitive vaginal area.

Petroleum Jelly

Avoid using Vaseline or any petroleum-based products as lubricants. They can be a potential cause of infection.


Don’t jump on trends or be swayed by advertising in spas! Steaming your vagina may seem and feel good due to the warm sensation, but herbal-infused steaming may lead to burns and irritation. It’s better to exercise caution, and the effectiveness of this practice is uncertain.


Your vagina cleans itself, so avoid using rubbing alcohol or soap inside—it can mess up the natural balance and lead to issues like yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis.


Avoid using sugary substances such as chocolate syrup and whipped cream in or around the vagina as they can alter bacteria and yeast growth, leading to infections. The discomfort or itchiness afterwards are not worth the fun and thrill.

Contrary to a myth, vegetables won’t grow inside your vagina. However, inserting veggies poses risks like pesticides and the possibility of fragments staying inside. This can lead to unhealthy situations, so it’s not recommended. The veggies won’t take root; they’ll simply rot.

Using yogurt on a tampon for a yeast infection might seem natural, but it’s not a great idea. Dark, moist environments can encourage infection, and the sugars in the yogurt may contribute too. If you suspect a yeast infection, consult a doctor. Also, avoid using garlic in the vagina, as it may not be safe or effective for treating infections. Always consult with a healthcare professional for proper guidance.

Putting vinegar (even apple cider vinegar) on your lady parts can be harmful and may up the risk of infections by messing with your vagina’s pH balance. Skip douching or using a tampon soaked in apple cider vinegar—it’s not a good idea.

The bottomline

If something isn’t made or advertised to be used for the vagina, then it definitely does NOT belong there. It’s always best to consult a healthcare provider if you’re experiencing any discomfort, itchiness, or irritation down there. Self-diagnosing and self-medicating might only worsen your situation. The right medication or remedy depends on what’s causing your symptoms, and you’ll only find that out if you get yourself checked!


Hannum, C. (Janury 8, 2016). 18 things you should never put in your vagina. Fox News. https://www.foxnews.com/health/18-things-you-should-never-put-in-your-vagina 

Engle, G. (December 13, 2019). 6 things you should never put in your vagina. Ravishly. https://ravishly.com/6-things-you-should-never-put-inside-vagina 

Rinkunas, S. (July 6, 2017). Add Glitter to the Long List of Things That Don’t Belong in Your Vagina. Vice. https://www.vice.com/en/article/mbagaq/passion-dust-glitter-dont-put-glitter-in-your-vagina 

Madormo, C. (December 11, 2023). Can Apple Cider Vinegar Treat Yeast Infections? VeryWellHealth. https://www.verywellhealth.com/apple-cider-vinegar-for-yeast-infections-5121050#:~:text=Applying%20apple%20cider%20vinegar%20to,cider%20vinegar%20is%20not%20recommended

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