

Common Questions About Circumcision

circumcision, male, penis, reproductive health, family planning

Most young boys in the Philippines undergo circumcision for reasons of both religion and personal hygiene. Despite the prevalence of this practice in our culture, a lot of people still hold misconceptions around circumcision. And this is why we will answer the most relevant questions about this topic.

What is circumcision?

During circumcision, the foreskin is cut from the head of the penis to expose the glans. The procedure is performed on children for religious and cultural reasons and it is also contraindicated in cases of poor general health in old age.

The procedure does not take long for young people but it will take more time with old people. It will take about 7 to 14 days to heal and during that period, masturbation and sexual intercourse should be avoided.

Try to avoid inhaling pungent cooking smells (as burning oils or leaves) as much as possible and try not to touch the wound during a bath or while wearing underwear.

Does circumcision make the penis bigger?

The head of the penis becomes obvious because of the removal of foreskin but it is still the same size. The size of the penis has nothing to do with foreskin cutting and it has to do with blood circulation and genes.

Does it affect sexual relationships?

As foreskin covers the head of the penis, it makes the penis more sensitive to sexual stimulation. However, as the foreskin receives more friction during sex, it increases the chances of penile injury. After foreskin removal, the head of the penis becomes less sensitive and it will take more time to reach orgasm. Foreskin removal only affects the length of time before a man reaches orgasm – it does NOT preclude orgasm. Circumcision is only one of many factors that affect the speed of and whether or not a man will have orgasm.

Is natural lubricant going to be different after foreskin removal?

Yes, it is. Having foreskin can produce more natural lubricants than a circumcised one. It will be hard to have anal sex after circumcision as there will be less natural lubricant. As this problem can be solved by using other lubricants, it will not affect sexual relationships.

Does circumcision increase fertility?

Circumcision doesn’t affect fertility but eating healthy food can support fertility. After foreskin removal, there will be inflammation on the head of the penis and there is the danger of hurting the penis while zipping your pants. For uncircumcised penis, they should be careful about penis hygiene and beware of bacterial infection.

Does circumcision prevent cancer?

Foreskin removal makes cleaning the penis easier and as there isn’t much space for bacteria to hide, there will be less chance for urinary tract infection, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and penile cancer. On the other hand, having foreskin increases the chances of the above-mentioned infection, so you need to practice good penile hygiene to reduce the risks.

Circumcision does not have obvious good or bad effects on sexual relationships. Getting foreskin removal for religious reasons or personal hygiene is up to you. The only important thing is to use a condom at all times whether you are circumcised or uncircumcised. Only then can you have safe sex and prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Sources: https://www.livescience.com/27769-does-circumcision-reduce-sexual-pleasure.html 



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