

Foreskin Problems and How to Deal With Them

Conversations about foreskin aren’t particularly common among adult Filipino males. In the Philippines, circumcision is in fashion, so most Filipino guys don’t usually have to worry about foreskin problems. Most.

If you’re a guy who’s “intact” or uncircumcised, you might want to learn about potential issues that you may experience. But don’t worry, we’re here to peel this topic and reveal conditions that the foreskin may have. We’ll also talk about what to do about these foreskin problems.

But let’s begin with what the ladies or some of you may be wondering at this point.

What is foreskin?

The “foreskin” or “prepuce” refers to the retractable fold of skin that covers and protects the glans penis that is removed during circumcision. It’s a natural part of the male anatomy and is present at birth in most males. The foreskin is a unique and highly innervated structure with several functions, including maintaining moisture and sensitivity in the glans, providing protection, and potentially enhancing sexual pleasure. 

Is it okay to keep the foreskin?

Absolutely! In fact, it’s the natural state for many guys worldwide. Circumcision (or the practice of removing one’s foreskin) is done mostly by Jews and Muslims, but it is also observed in many parts of Africa, North America, and Asia. 

Here in the Philippines, young men consider circumcision as a right of passage. Guys who aren’t circumcised and are branded as “supot,” synonymous with weak and even unmanly. But the truth, of course, is that it is totally fine to not cut one’s foreskin.

Circumcision is a cultural thing. There are many cultures in the world wherein guys don’t get cut, and they spend the rest of their lives okay. Check out our article on what happens to uncircumcised men to learn more about that topic.

It’s important to know, however, that keeping the foreskin may possibly lead to having foreskin problems (which we’ll get into later.) These problems can be avoided, of course, if you know about them and if you take the proper measures to keep your penis healthy.

Dryness and odor

Dryness can indeed become an issue for men with foreskin if proper care isn’t taken. The foreskin is designed to keep the glans penis moist and protected. However, if it’s not regularly cleaned, it can lead to the build-up of smegma: a mixture of dead skin cells and bodily fluids that accumulate beneath the foreskin. This can lead to an unpleasant odor and discomfort. 

Additionally, dryness can make the foreskin less flexible, potentially causing pain or discomfort during sexual activity. 

What to do about it

It’s crucial for individuals with foreskin to maintain good hygiene practices to prevent dryness and ensure their genital health. Pay attention to how your private area reacts to the soap that you use, and avoid wearing hot and tight underwear.


There are some types of infection that may affect someone who has kept his foreskin, including Balanitis and Posthitis. Balanitis is when your foreskin and glans penis (or the “head” of your penis) experiences inflammation. Posthitis, on the other hand, is the inflammation of one’s foreskin.

These infections can cause itchiness, bad penile odor, and pain or tenderness if not treated early.

What to do about it

There are antibiotics that can be taken for infections. There are also ointments and creams that may help fight infections or irritations. Be sure to talk to a doctor to know what could work best for you.


This is something that can often happen along with a condition called Paraphimosis. 

Paraphimosis occurs when the foreskin gets trapped behind the head of the penis and cannot be pulled back into its normal position. This condition can cause significant swelling, pain, and constriction of blood flow to the tip of the penis. Swelling can also occur due to various reasons, including infections, allergic reactions, or trauma. 

What to do about it

If you encounter penile swelling or issues with moving your foreskin, seeking appropriate treatment is essential. Over-the-counter lubricants can sometimes help with minor discomfort, but if you can’t retract your foreskin, it’s crucial to consult a doctor instead of attempting to force it back.


There’s another condition that uncircumcised men may encounter: phimosis. This happens when one’s foreskin can’t be pulled back from the glans penis. In other words, the foreskin tightens over the head of the penis.

What to do about it

If circumcision is really not on your mind, you can prevent tightness and phimosis by gently retracting your foreskin every day. Avoid being too aggressive during masturbation or any other sexual activity. And of course, proper hygiene should help a lot.

Whether you’re circumcised or not, it’s essential to be aware of your penile health. If you’re keeping your foreskin, don’t fret about societal pressures; it’s entirely okay. The key is knowing how to care for it properly to avoid any of the foreskin-related issues we’ve discussed. Proper hygiene and a visit to the doctor, when needed, are your allies in keeping your manhood healthy and happy. 

Remember, it’s all part of the package, and being informed and proactive about your penile health can lead to a more comfortable and confident you. Stay informed, stay healthy, and embrace the natural state that’s right for you!


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