

How to Spot Porn Addiction

Even before the rise of the Internet, pornography has already been a thing, existing in various forms throughout history. However, the digital age has brought about unprecedented accessibility, making adult content readily available at the click of a button.  With the abundance of adult content online, it can be quite easy for some to fall […]

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A Men’s Guide to Quitting Porn

In a world where access to explicit content is just a click away, men today face the challenge of sailing through a sea of temptations. Generally, watching porn is harmless, especially if you understand that what you see on screen is often far from what actually happens underneath the sheets. However, excessive consumption can lead […]

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Is Porn good or bad?

porn, pornography, family planning, reproductive health

Anyone who has Internet access these days can access pornography. In the Philippines, talking about sex openly is still taboo and, many young men and women get their knowledge about sexual pleasure from watching pornography in secret. It’s not an ideal substitute for sex education as it can create ideas about sex and sexual pleasure […]

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