

What is Contraception and How Does it Work?

contraception, contraceptive, family planning, reproductive health

Contraception prevent pregnancy. There are different types of contraception, and they work in different ways. The main types of contraceptives: Depending on the type, these contraceptive methods work by: The right contraceptive method for you depends on several factors. That includes your medical history, lifestyle, how often you have sex, and how many sexual partners […]

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Emergency Contraception: Copper IUD

What Is It Emergency contraception includes methods used to prevent pregnancy after sex. It’s best to use them within 3-5 days (depending on the method to be used), but they work better the sooner you take them after intercourse. Emergency contraception lessens the chances of a woman getting pregnant if taken within the first few […]

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How to switch contraceptive methods

How to switch contraceptive methods

Overtime, you might realize that you want to try a different contraceptive method because it doesn’t fit your lifestyle anymore, or for any other reason. It’s completely safe to switch methods, as long as you’ve talked to your doctor about it first. But there are different ways to start a new method, depending on what […]

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How to safely get off contraception

How to safely get off contraception

Maybe you’re ready to have a baby or you’re no longer sexually active, that’s why you’re thinking of getting off contraception. Whatever the reason, you’ll want to do it safely. For some methods, you can completely stop using them whenever you want. But for others, you’ll need to see a healthcare provider. Pills You can […]

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How long does it take for contraceptive methods to work on women?

How long does it take for contraceptives methods to work on women?

Finally getting your chosen contraceptive is surely exciting! But before anything else, there’s one question you have to ask: How soon can you be protected by the contraceptive method of your choice? Depending on the contraceptive method and at what point you are in your menstrual cycle, it may take a few days before you’re […]

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Modern Methods Of Contraception

Family Planning, Contraceptives, Reproductive Health

What Is Contraception? The primary purpose of contraception is to prevent pregnancy. There are various contraceptive methods, each working in different ways, but they generally work by preventing the sperm cell from meeting and fertilizing the egg cell, which causes pregnancy. Not all contraceptive methods are equal, and some are more effective than others. There […]

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The Most Effective Contraceptive Methods

contraceptive, condoms, trust condoms, premiere condoms, injectables, depotrust, lyndavel, pills, trust pill, lady, charlize, daphne. althea, iud, securit t iud, trust iud, family planning, reproductive health

Do you enjoy having intimate moments but worry about unplanned pregnancy, and then you start thinking about suitable contraceptive methods? There are three types of contraceptives, and you can protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy if you use them correctly every time. Learn more about them here! 1. Disposable Contraceptive Method Condoms. Trust Condoms and […]

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The secret to a happy family

Ever ask yourself how many kids you want to have? Everyone has the right to decide how many children they’d like to raise. The challenging part is sticking to the path you and your partner have set out on.  That’s where family planning comes in. What is family planning? The term “family planning” refers to […]

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