

Come Along With Me: Reaching The Big “O” Together

simultaneous orgasms

Achieving orgasm together seems like every couple’s goal every time they have sex, and a lot of people think that it must happen to have a satisfying sexual relationship. But in reality, simultaneous orgasms don’t always happen and it’s only one potential part of a satisfying sexual relationship. […]

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What is a Dry Orgasm?

As men, we know that our orgasms usually consist of shooting out semen. But there can be instances when we’ve reached our peak but no shots were fired.  This is called a dry orgasm or orgasmic anejaculation. This condition is where a man felt an orgasm, but no semen was released from the penis. Dry […]

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Painful Ejaculations: What you should know

Painful ejaculation can turn one of life’s greatest pleasures into something frustrating. Dysorgasmia or orgasmalgia, aka painful ejaculation, is a condition in which a man feels pain during or after each ejaculation. This pain can be felt on the penis, scrotum, and perineal or the area around the anus. This condition may affect a man’s […]

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