

Agree on these three key values, and your relationship will last forever

You know that old saying “opposites attract”? Well, turns out, it might not be the best strategy for finding a long-term partner. According to experts, having some key similarities can actually lay the groundwork for a more solid relationship. Forget about being polar opposites – it’s all about finding common ground. Whether it’s values, interests, […]

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Should you use contraceptives?

woman, pills, condoms

Contraceptives, family planning methods, birth control. Whatever you prefer to call it, there’s one question that’s been bugging your mind. “Should you use them?” Well, to answer that question, we must first learn what family planning methods can do to our bodies and their impact on society and the world. What can contraceptives do? Contraceptives […]

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Are there Sex Positions That Can Reduce the Risks of Pregnancy?

couple, pregnancy, positions, sex

We can’t deny that there are certain times where we get so clingy, we want our partners to be as intimate with us as possible. Thus, leading to thoughts of having unprotected sex. However, the risks of unplanned pregnancy bother us, making us ask the question, “Are there any sex positions that can reduce the […]

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