

What is Hypospadias?

While many boys are born with normal penises, some are born with a birth defect known as hypospadias. Hypospadias is a congenital condition in which the meatus or hole of a guy’s penis does not develop at the tip and instead forms somewhere along the shaft or even at the penis’ base, where the shaft […]

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Get To Know The Female Sexual Anatomy

female sexual anatomy

A hand mirror will be your next best friend in getting a closer look at your genitalia. Learning each part and seeing your own body can help you understand sex and your health more. As each woman has a unique face, each has a unique body as well, and your genitalia may not look exactly […]

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Clitoris 101: Location, Anatomy, and Function

clitoris anatomy

The clitoris — or known as “mani” or “tinggil” by Filipinos — is the most elusive part of the female anatomy. It’s often misunderstood because it’s not discussed openly. Knowledge is power, as they say. And knowing your sexual anatomy — or entire body for that matter — is a great start to embracing your […]

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Get To Know Your Breast Friends


Breasts are both part of your reproductive anatomy and sexual anatomy. They’re considered essential reproductive parts because moms can use their breasts to feed their infants. When it comes to sexual anatomy, breasts are often sexually sensitive and considered an erogenous zone, and part of a lot of people’s sexuality. For some, they consider their […]

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The Male Sexual Anatomy

The male sexual anatomy or male genital system is divided into two categories: the internal parts which include the seminal vesicles, testes, vas deferens, epididymis, prostate, ejaculatory duct, etc.; and the external parts which include the penis, foreskin, urethra, and scrotum.  Internal Sex Anatomy Testes The male sexual glands, testes are the two oval shaped […]

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Female Puberty

female puberty, puberty, period, menstruation, menstrual cycle, changes, reproductive health, family planning

Puberty is a huge turning point in the lives of young women—it is a time of great changes and growth. These changes don’t immediately happen all at once, and can take several months to several years. Puberty is the phase when a person starts to shift from child to adult, and for the girls at […]

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Male Puberty

reproductive health, family planning, male puberty

Puberty is when a child matures into an adult capable of sexual reproduction. Your body goes through lots of changes that happen slowly over time. All these changes don’t happen all at once but over the course of several months to several years. Most young males will begin to experience these changes between the ages […]

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How The Menstrual Cycle Works

Mens, Menstrual Cycle, Female

The menstrual cycle is the monthly hormonal cycle a female’s body goes through in preparation for a possible pregnancy. Having regular menstrual cycles means that essential parts of your body are working fine. The menstrual cycle supplies important body chemicals (known as hormones) to keep you healthy, and prepares your body for pregnancy each month. There […]

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How do I know if I’m ovulating?

Ovulation is the process wherein the ovary releases a mature egg cell — this sets the stage for fertilization! The egg cell travels through the fallopian tube, where it can possibly meet a sperm cell. This is also why ovulation is also known as your fertile days because this is the time where pregnancy is […]

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