

Girls’ guide to initiating sex

Girls' guide to initiating sex

When it comes to relationships or sex, men are often expected to make the first move all the time. But, hey, they want to feel desired too! For the girls who’ve never initiated sex before, the first time could be scary and intimidating. But the more times you’ll do it, the less anxious you’ll feel […]

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What is Shibari, the art of Japanese rope bondage?

What is Shibari, the art of Japanese rope bondage?

Shibari means “to tie decoratively” in Japanese, and it’s the ancient art of rope bondage — yes, as in the letter ‘B’ in BDSM. Tying up your partner — or being tied up by your partner — is considered sexy and arousing for a lot of people. But before you start thinking of the Fifty […]

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What is cervical penetration?

What is cervical penetration?

Stimulating the clitoris or the vagina are the most common ways women achieve orgasm. But there is a third spot that can give you an intense, full-body orgasm — the cervix. The cervix is the narrow, lower end of the uterus, located at the top end of the vagina. It has a very small opening, […]

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Blast Off: Ejaculation Etiquette for Men

Some people consider climaxing as the best part of sex. Although it only lasts a few seconds for us men, the thrill we can experience during ejaculation is divine and exhilarating. But of course, when we climax during sex, we’re not alone. Thus, it’s important for guys to know how to ejaculate properly and decently. […]

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Sex Don’ts: What Men Shouldn’t Do in Bed

Sex should be a safe space. It’s an intimate activity involving people who want to make each other feel good. And part of making your partner feel good is knowing what you shouldn’t do to them or with them. So here’s a list of things men should avoid in bed. Don’t set conditions Everything you […]

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Guys, Start it Right!

How men can give better foreplay We’ve talked about how foreplay is “pre-game” for sexy time. It should go without saying that good foreplay can lead to great sex! (And great sex is something we all want.) Here are some tips for men to give better foreplay. Know what turns your partner on If you […]

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Foreplay: Pre-game for Sexy Time

There are several misconceptions about foreplay. Among the most common is that it’s “just  playing pretend.” But it’s actually more than that because foreplay can vary from person to person.  Foreplay also has physical and psychological effects on a person, and it’s not just about turning someone on sexually. What foreplay is not There are […]

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PS: Sexual Aftercare Matters

How to conduct proper sexual aftercare Sex doesn’t end with climax. In fact, there is such a thing as “sexual aftercare”. It’s about what we do after sex.  It’s pretty simple, and most people don’t even realize they’re already doing it… like these:  Cuddling Being in the arms of a special someone has a calming […]

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How to Be More Confident in Bed

It always pays to have enough confidence in everything we do, whether it’s for professional endeavors or personal activities. In the bedroom, confidence is vital in several ways. It could potentially lead to the best sexytime of your life if you and your partner have enough of it. Here are several ways we can become […]

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Fantasies & Fetishes: What Turns People On

The words “fantasy” and “fetish” are often associated with sex, especially with the arousal part. Many people find it hard or embarrassing to talk about their fantasies and fetishes because they’re afraid their thoughts may seem ‘weird’. The truth, however, is that there is totally nothing wrong with getting turned on, whether it’s from imagined […]

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